Montag, 11. Februar 2013

First Post ♥

Hello Lovelies,
this is my first entry on this blog ^////^ I'm excited ~ ♪

2013 will be a busy year for me! I've just finished school  and now I want to do what I've always wanted to do: Travel the world ♥

I've decided to run this blog like a diary ♥ to be able to share all the big and small everyday events with my friends and family and also with... you!!

I'm also a lot into sweet and unusual fashion mostly inspired by the lovely girls from Tokyo and the ones on Tumblr as well ;) So there will be Outfit and Inspirational postings too!

Some of my destinations during the next 12 months will be: Germany ( Berlin,...), France (Paris,...), other European countries, hopefully hopefully Japan and South Korea and at the end of the year the USA ♥ So as you might imagine I'm reeeeally looking forward to it! ^__^

I hope you all will be enjoying this blog! I do my best to keep it updated.

That's it for now, baby dolls xx

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