How was your week so far?
The days are going by very fast here in Izumi Migata (Osaka).
I'm already staying here for more than one week!
On Friday I worked at my host family's new house, scooping and carrying soil, it was very exhausting! >_< After that I took a walk over to small shop LAWSON. They sell a couple of fashion magazines:
I bought the November issue of ageha! ^__^
Sakurina and Shizuka Muto on the cover, so pretty ♥ ♥
The extra gift was this cute pouch from Liz Lisa!
Also, there are a lot of lovely pictures of cute Princess Himena Ousaki inside ♥ ♥ Love her!
In the evening we had guests for dinner: Two lovely japanese girls who have been to Germany and wanted to meet me! ^__^ It was a fun evening, and they brought us this very delicious cake:
When I told them I'm planning to visit Lolita and Gyaru Shops in Osaka, luckily one of the girls, Natsuko, knew all the shops and offered to go shopping with me the next day *__* Lucky me!
So on Saturday we went together to Osaka Tennouji Station! Right above this train station there are several cute shops:
Etude House!! But I didn't buy anything, because I'm planning to do that later in South Korea ♥
And, the cutest store of all, MILK !! ♥ ♥ ♥
Purple Heart bag!! *__* I want it so much ♥ But I really think it would be more reasonable to buy the black one instead (or not buying it at all since it's so expensive -__- )... *sigh*
We asked the shop staff if I could take pictures with them and luckily they said yes!! They were so kind!
Both looked so lovely!
Aaand a picture of me with shop staff haha~ I looked super messy that day but oh well... I wanted to take pictures anyway^^
That's it for now, be prepared for more Osaka Shopping posts ^__^
Tolle Fotos! ^_^
AntwortenLöschenFreut mich, dass es dir gut geht dort. Hast du die japanischen Mitarbeiterinnen auch auf japanisch gefragt? Hihi ^_~
Zeitschriften finde ich auch immer toll, aber die sind so schwer im Koffer. ~_~
Dankeschön! ^-^ Ich habs versucht haha ^///^', zum Glück hat mir meine Begleitung geholfen!
AntwortenLöschenUnd jaa, das wird sowieso noch ein Problem werden! Vielleicht schicke ich zwischendurch Päckchen nach Deutschland oder so :D
Liebe Grüße <3
Wie nett, dass die beiden Mädels extra zu euch gekommen sind, um sich mit dir zu treffen. :) Und auch, dass Natsuko dann mit dir shoppen war.
AntwortenLöschenIch finde die Tasche in Herzform auch total süß, aber omg, der zweifarbige Hoodie in lila / rosa mit den Herztaschen. q_q Ich will ihn. ♥
Ja, das hat mich auch sehr gefreut! ^__^ Bisher waren hier wirklich alle Menschen so nett und hilfsbereit!
LöschenUnd jaa, es gab sooo tolle Kleidung in dem Shop <3 <3 milk ist toll!
Danke für deinen Kommentar! ^__^